Marco Almada

desarrollador web

Hey, I'm Marco, a full-stack web developer with a background in digital marketing. I'm passionate about leveraging technology to craft innovative solutions. Let's connect and build something amazing!

My Toolbelt

My Skillset

My Experience

  • FullStack Developer - Mobilenik


    As a FullStack Developer at Mobilenik, I was responsible for implementing React applications and managing APIs. This role allowed me to enhance my skills in frontend and backend development.

  • Front End Developer - Known Online


    At Known Online, I specialized in building ecommerce websites, gaining valuable experience in VTEX development and the OCC framework. This role honed my skills in creating user-friendly and visually appealing online stores.

  • Web Developer - Bringle

    2013 - 2020

    During my time at Bringle, I developed websites for small and medium businesses, gaining expertise in web development and client interaction. This role allowed me to understand the importance of aligning technical solutions with business objectives.

  • SEO Specialist

    2014 - 2017

    As an SEO Specialist, I managed the search engine optimization efforts for various projects, focusing on both on-page and off-page strategies. This role enabled me to drive significant increases in website traffic and conversions for my clients.

Some of my Real Projects

Datamentis app

DataMentis Web App

A web application where a message is written and if it is not validated, it is sent to a certain number of contacts configured by the user. I am currently working on paid features and strengthen the security side.

Uses React, Firebase, Node, Express and bootstrap css

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google drive API

Escribania Manganaro

A web application where you can log with details provided by an admin. Then you can visualize some files and request them through email. All files are loaded through GDrive and are automatically sync.

Uses React, Node, Express and google drive API

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Elevar S.R.L.

Website developed with WordPress and Elementor to show forklift repair services and promote leasing. It was responsible for the increase in sales of spare parts and rentals.

Uses wordpress, elementor, some custom css and js

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Some Of My Practice Projects in Web Development

web developer

Netflix clone

Netflix clone that allows the user to see trailers. It was my first time implementing hooks and I am planning to add authentication.

Uses React, Hooks, NodeJs, and Firebase services for hosting storage.

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react redux

Roboofriends App

A mock web application where you can search for a robot and automatically update the page. Uses data API for the robot generation.

Uses plain React, Node, and vainilla javascript

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tarot webapp

Tarot simulator

WebApp that reads tarot. You can choose between two types of reading and change the style of the cards and save your readings.

Uses plain React, Node, Redux and vainilla javascript

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Contact Now

  • HIRE ME!

    I am actively seeking employment.

    Feel free to contact me!

  • Email:

  • Marco's Phone Contact:

    +54 (011) 3437 8961